Thursday, January 7, 2010

So Yesterday

Hey Everyone!

So once again, I'm using the same format, and I think that's just how it's going to be. Like I said, autism for me means I need structure.

So I woke at 1PM and had my usual shower and such. I then headed over to King's to get the special permission I needed to get into a math class, and was told to come back in a half hour as it always gets very busy during the first week back. When I did come back I found out that because I'm taking five courses, even though I'm not taking five credits (several half credits) I cannot take another course as that would be a sixth course and unless you have a high average, you can't take six courses. So I just decided to give it up and take it in fourth year.

After this I headed over to class for Psych of Work/People and then after that was done my parents picked me up to take me home as class was over. I headed home, went back out to get some movies and video games for the weekend, and then headed back home for dinner. I think the only thing today that had my autism "flare up" was just when I was talking to my parents I just was trying to be too technical about something very insignificant.

So now we're here, the end of the day for me. Oh and if you're wondering why most of these posts seem to not follow with the actual time, I've made this blog several hours earlier than it is that way if I forget to post until 3AM, the blog will still think it's around 8 or 9PM. I know it's silly, but that's the other thing from my autism, I can't help but WANT to make sure that I post daily so I'll do what I can to make sure it's not a day missed. Yes there have been a few I've missed, but none the less I still am trying.

That's all for tonight!

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