Monday, January 4, 2010

She Ain't Nothin But a Golddigger

Hey Everyone!

So to begin with, I woke up around 12PM and helped my Mom figure out some more Facebook and photo things on the computer. I then went back to bed for a slight more and finally got up to have my usual shower and started to prep to head to London as I had a night class.

As we were headed down to London, my mother was talking to my father when she said something I decided to correct her about. I can't recall at this moment what it was about but it had to do with something where I felt I had to correct my mother. While it may seem odd to do with autism, but this seems to be one of my quirks. If something sounds odd or incorrect, even if it's a general idea, I can't help but correct the person generally using the word "technically". Like I said, you would think this would be related to OCD or ADD, but as I haven't been diagnosed with either, and it's not as though I obsess over correcting people but it still is something I feel I need to do. So truly, I think the only thing I could think of what it is is my autism.

When I finally got to London I was at my friend's place that I can stay at when I have a night class. When I got out of the car I practically ran and gave my best friend Lauren a hug since she was getting out of her grandmother's car. We've got such a great friendship and I can't wait to go to Europe with her after school is over in two more years.

I hung out with her for a while just catching up on how her Christmas and New Years were and then we headed to school to get some things done as I needed to get into a class and Lauren had to drop off a folder.

We then headed to our respective places, me to my friend's place, her to her house, and then met up again at 6PM to head over to our class. We got to class and chatted for a short time and then listened to the last few speeches for class.

After this I headed back to my friend's place and had some food and then watched some television. I then teased my roommate Chris with my other roommate Amanda which while I don't condone putting people down, it was all light hearted and he teases me brutally over not understanding me because of my autism. Whether it's telling my friends things he has said about them (which they deserve to know) or just because he doesn't understand why I am the way I am.

I then just went back in my room and watched episodes of Glee which hopefully many readers love.

That's all for today though, thanks for reading!


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