Friday, October 23, 2009

Meet Me Halfway

Hey everyone!
So I woke up at 2AM and did the usual shower thing. I then got a text from my Dad saying he'd be there in a bit. I stayed under the covers after getting dressed just because it was cold in the apartment. Once my Dad got there I headed home, falling asleep in the car as I was still tired. Now what I can't help but ask my readers is do you notice I generally get to bed extremely late? Some of you would probably think that 'oh he's just a young adult who likes to stay up late' and in several cases it would be for people, but in my case it's because two years ago something happened, not sure what, but something just messed up in my brain so it screwed up my sleeping patterns. Now obviously it had to do with my autism in some manner I should say, I'm not sure WHY it's like that as many people go through it and they don't have autism but in my case it seems to be that case.

Sorry for the little interlude, but I just wanted to further explain why so many late nights. When I got back home, I just watched some television till about close to 4PM and picked up Chris. We went to Wendy's and then back to my house to watch Bring It On: All or Nothing (yes I own the films *insert laugh here*). Once 6PM came around I took Chris home and then back home and watched some more television but also did some studying. I really hope that I do really well this time, not that 64% isn't bad, just so that I can have an okay grade so I can possibly enter honours for next year to get into a Master's program. And really here we are frankly, so thanks for everyone's continued support, and I'll "talk" to you later.

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