Monday, October 12, 2009

Health Please Come Back

Well as you noticed, I didn't have a song lyric because yesterday nothing happened aside from me being sick. I woke up feeling horrible so I went upstairs to get a drink but then went to speak with my Mom because usually I'm not up at 9AM which I was. The day then just went on as I had the chills, the sweats, a bad headache, and feeling weak when I was walking around. So I then just headed downstairs after a time and just watched Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. After that, I headed to bed. I woke at about 2:30 AM for about an hour, but I also noticed my headache was finally gone which made me happy, but I still had the weak feeling. I then finally fell asleep again and slept till about 11:15AM today. I then just took my time getting up, grabbed some tea, and started watching television once again. My headache's gone, but I still have a general weak feeling which is definitely annoying. To continue from where I stopped, the rest of the evening went fine. I watched Heroes, then Simpsons, and now I'm playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. So night all!
That's all people.

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