Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How Am I Suppose to Breathe with No Air

Hello everyone!
So how was my day? Well it wasn't extremely eventful but I still had a good one. I woke up at about 12:30PM and since I didn't have any classes today I basically just lazed around in bed. I know, real mature, but at least I got studying done in the process. The test is only two weeks away, so obviously I'd like to get an 80% if I can.

Around 5PM I headed to the mall with my friends and just walked around for two hours. We didn't really do much, but after talking with them it kind of became clear that the reason I've been sniffing so much at home wasn't because of allergies, which would have been solved by the Benadryll I had been taking yet wasn't working, it turns out I had a head cold. So while at the mall I picked up some medicine for that. We then headed home and I quickly grabbed some milk for the house as I knew otherwise I'd use up the milk my roommate uses.

Once I got home, I took the medicine and lo and behold, my cold started feeling better. The rest of the night consisted of watching Glee and X-Men. And here we are. That's pretty much everything people!

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