Sunday, February 28, 2010

When You Wish Upon A Star

Hey Everyone!

So here's my post for the past two days.

Sunday I woke up at 11AM and did my usual shower stuff and got ready to head to London for my usual busy Sundays.

My parents and I headed to London at 1PM and made it there by 2PM. I watched television a little bit and then headed to Fashion Show practice which went from 3:30-6:30PM and I worked on the posters for the Fashion Show as the coordinator called me Saturday night asking me to help with the posters. I also apparently have more or less made my walk a heck of a lot better than it use to be according to the coordinator.

After was our long ass play practice that lasted till 11PM. We did two run throughs and then we headed home. I talked to Lauren about how miffed I was at how a certain incident happened and I don't care to really discuss it on here because A: the directors already know about it, and B: the person it involves may be reading this. Though I kept bringing it up a couple times as we walked back to her house, which was just my autism acting up.

Today on the other hand, I woke up at 12PM and then showered. I then headed to my Moore's fitting for the fashion show which went really well, and the coordinator thanked me for always being at practices and always being faithful and cooperative. I told her it was no problem, and it was just a part of my nature.

After this I headed to Masonville and did a couple things around there and finally headed home. I headed to speech at 6:30PM and listened to a couple more speeches, headed to Christina's Pub and then headed home to work on my paper which is what I'm doing now. I hope everyone's doing great!


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