Monday, February 22, 2010

Be Prepared

Hey Everyone!

Sorry about the late post again. I wound up going to bed just after 12AM as I had to get up really early to get to London and miss the storm that came in. Let me tell you, it's a whole LOT of snow that's going to be falling.

Using "Yesterday" I guess is how I'll do this post since it is Monday now. Anyway yesterday I woke about 7:45 or 8AM, I'm not really sure, but I got up and did my usual shower and teeth thing. My parents and I then headed to Dunn's for breakfast again before we headed back to the hotel, packed up our stuff in the car and started our trip back from Ottawa.

We got back from Ottawa to find that our heat in the house had been shut off because it had decided to break down. So now the heat was off meaning the house was really cold, resulting in us having to turn on the fire, use our space heater and also borrow a heater from my brother Troy just to try and warm up downstairs and my parents room. It should be fixed today but yesterday the technician told us he was going to have to order a part in order to get it fixed though they should be able to do it today so at least when I return home Friday we'll have heat again.

I basically then concluded my day with Housewives and Brothers & Sisters and then played Final Fantasy X for a short time before going to bed.

Autism-wise, I think the only thing that happened was that while speaking to my mom about a speech that is due today, I may have used the wrong tone and came off arrogant. I didn't mean to obviously, but I apparently did.

That's all for today!

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