Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me (It's April 28 As I write)

Hey Everyone!

So wow lovely day in my opinion, though not really. On the upside, there was another wonderful episode of GLEE, in which Kristin Chenowith reappeared, and Chris Colfer (Kurt Hummel) sang to Corey Monteith (Finn Hudson) in the most awkward of ways but it was extremely hilarious.

However, on the downside, the real suck part of the day was the moving out of my friend's place. We had to do sweeping of dust which aggravated my allergies. Then we had to try and chop up this couch which didn't work out so great because the spring wouldn't break, and as a result we had to leave the couch which will mean the landlord will have to deal with it. Which to me is fine, because she caused my friend and even myself, so much freaking trouble it wasn't even funny. And now she's out of luck because everyone has left the place and no one is moving in, so oops for her.

Autism-wise, the only thing that happened was I realized that I'm a little out of sorts today because I no longer have an agenda per week. It's now so up in the air that my mind is trying to adjust to it. I'll get into the swing of summer soon, but at the moment I'm just out of sorts.

That's all for tonight.

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