Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exam Time

Hey Everyone,

This is for yesterday. Everything went okay, I had my exam in I/O Psychology and I kind of feel bad though because I thought I would've been fine with the exam, but sadly I found out today I got 65% in the exam despite thinking it would've actually wound up higher than 70. But oh well is really all I can say.

As for the rest of the day, I just spent it studying for Clinical Psychology which was so boring it wasn't even funny. I also though had a meeting of KP Executive and I felt it went extremely well, full of laughs and negotiations and just all around goodness.

Lauren and I headed up to Christina's to get some food and then headed back. I then dozed off from around 10:30 till midnight, watched South Park, and then wound up falling back asleep AGAIN until 3:30. I then studied a little more and headed to bed at 5AM till 8.

So that's all for tonight. Autism wise, I just laughed at a comment in the meeting because of an inside joke between Lauren and I. It was....awkward slightly. I don't know HOW it's autistic, but I think it was.

That's all,

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