Friday, April 16, 2010

What is One Grain of Sand in the Desert? What is One Grain of Sand in a Storm?

Hey Everyone!

Sorry about missing yesterday, my fault, totally forgot about posting the entire day despite having talked to my grandfather about the blog. Go figure. Anyway, it was a relatively simple day actually. I studied a bit, read a bit, played some video games, and studied some more. I cannot WAIT for school to be over, though I haven't decided if I will or will not do the class as I wouldn't mind having a full summer :P.

Aside from the studying, and gaming and everything, I just tutored my neighbour again and he seems to be doing fairly well with everything. He isn't that bad at English like his mother thinks, he just needs to give himself time. That's basically everything there is to say. My only "autistic" thing is that I worry about possibly insulting his writing when I'm editing it for him. But I suppose that's just how it goes.

Night Everyone!

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