Saturday, April 10, 2010

Turnover...the "best" part of Council

Hello Everyone!

So today was Council Turnover where we switch from the old Students Council to the new one. It was a relatively normal meeting. We discussed the ending of the council, passed some motions, and had brunch at the Mandarin buffet which is probably what about Turnover I look forward to the most. It was a very long meeting though, going from 10AM until past 6:30PM and was still going on when I left at 6:30. I have to admit, there is one aspect that I just disliked about council. If you recall, I went for VP Operations whose duties include managing the policy committee, and I think one reason I didn't get it was because of not having experience with Policy Committee. The problem I'm talking about is because I once again did not get elected to Policy Committee. So I'm talking about this because it is a bit of hypocrisy. They tell me inadvertently that I need the experience on Policy Committee since this is basically the only experience I DON'T have...since I've been with council going on four years now, and 9 years altogether, and yet they don't vote for me to be on it. It seems that this happens every time though so I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it.

I'm not saying the three who got on it won't do a good job, I know they will, but it's just annoying that I have the most experience on council and working WITH the VP Operations, and yet, still nothing. But if I ever run for that again (I doubt I will, I'm just mentioning) then I will make note to them that they did not elect me into the committee so if I don't have that experience, it is because they made that happen, not me. The good thing though is apparently I got a relatively good amount of votes though so at least I still got votes. I apologize if any council members read this and it offends you. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just stating my personal opinion that's all.

After council, and I must apologize for the rant, I just needed to say that. Anyway, after council was the final improv show of King's Players. It was a lot of fun and now we're here. I would have gone more into the improv show longer but that's basically all I'm saying.

Autism-wise, I suppose the thing that happened was my rant about council. I've been on about it most of the night and just can't leave it. Maybe I will at some point, but for now just can't get off it.

That's all tonight.

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