Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hello All!

So I'm doing a little different tonight. My day was good but frankly after seeing Kick-Ass the movie, I have to say I just want to talk about it. Please note there will be spoilers, and I apologize for this.

Kick-Ass features a high school nerd basically who decides that, after reading too many comic books, he wants to become a hero to stop the bad guys out there. While admirable I will say he is quite misguided seeing as how he doesn't have super strength or anything along those lines, just a heart full of courage and we all know where that actually leads in real life..

Due to his efforts, three more heroes appear, Big Daddy, Hit Girl, and Red Mist, all with the idea of trying to emulate Kick-Ass, except that they have a heck of a lot more skills (or at least the first two) and kill without mercy, becoming more vigilante heroes than actual heroes.

The villain being a mob boss is the threat in this case and has an arsenal of henchmen and guns at his disposal as well as martial arts of his own. He really is an evil crook going so far as to try and kill Hit Girl (sorry for the spoiler) and ruthlessly beating down Kick-Ass and Big Daddy, or at least having his henchmen do so.

Anyway, all in all, GREAT movie, and there have been apparent talks for a sequel so that's of course fun too!

Only things I have to say about my own life is some idiot knocked on my trunk when I was driving through a merge area because apparently he thought it would be nice to walk onto the street when he CLEARLY saw me heading through. The idiot wasn't even THERE at first, so hence I had the right of way because he came out of nowhere. I don't even know why he knocked on my trunk, he wasn't even crossing in front of me and I tried to drive in front of him, he walked behind me and decides to knock on my trunk? Whatever, guy was an idiot anyway.

The only other thing is I luckily found out, God of War will be made into a motion picture so that makes me ECSTATIC. I just hope it's a total success and not a flop.

Anyway, that's all tonight!

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