Friday, March 19, 2010

The Bounty Hunter

Hey Everyone,

So Friday was a relatively dull day frankly. I basically just played God of War 3 some more until around 4 when I had to head out to work and take Chris out. He decided to switch it up on me by asking to go to Burger King which is the first time we've gone there since I think six months ago. But at the same time, it still is one of the restaurants that he prefers to go to. Try getting him to go to a healthy place like Subway or something like that and he'd probably run out the door. I have to admit, I'm worried about him, I realize I myself don't have the best eating habits but I at least do get SOME healthy food in me. From what I see of him though, it's just pizza, cheeseburgers, chili cheese burritos, and more junk food. I just don't know if in the future he'll have a healthy life or not because of these choices. I know I'm trying to change but it seems like he won't just because of his autism, which makes him such a picky eater.

Moving on...

Chris and I continued watching more of WALL-E at my house which we had started three weeks ago but it's still not finished. But we're obviously going to finish it up on Sunday when I pick him up.

Finally, my parents and I headed out and saw The Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Hilarious movie I have to say. There was a bit of suspense in some places but most of it was just non-stop hilarity. I definitely have to say that Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler go really well together and make a great pair on the big screen. I just hope we see some more movies from the two of them because they definitely have a really good chemistry on the screen too.

I suppose my autism thing that happened was in this post frankly, me trailing on about Chris' eating habits. But that's not actually true since I'm writing this Sunday morning so I suppose we'll count this as a mixture of Saturday and Sundays :P.

Night Everyone!

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