Monday, October 5, 2009

Somewhere Out There

So I woke up at about 9:40AM rather confused about why I was not woken up earlier as I had been told I would be leaving for London for 10AM. I found out my Dad had to go out and do some things which postponed our leaving. Then when I tried going back to sleep I couldn't because our television started turning itself on and off over and over. It wasn't until I finally checked the support site that it actually stopped doing the turning on and off.

After the tv issue, we headed to London. I watched television for some time, had dinner, and then headed to class which was Speech. My friend Lauren spoke about Bullying and then some guy had the nerve to be Devil's advocate and say you should teach your children to fight back and basically wound up sounding just not right. I'm not saying he's a bad person, I just think you really need to teach your kids to let things go because if you don't, it would just escalate further than where it could go. After all the speeches were over, I received my mark for my speech from last week, and I got an 80/100 which is really good, apparently I had received one of the higher grades.

After that, Lauren, John and I briefly headed to a bonfire being held behind one of the school buildings and then Lauren and I headed home. And now here I am watching Heroes and going to bed soon.
Stay tuned for the next post!

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