Thursday, October 15, 2009

Looks Like We Made It!

Well everyone, I can't believe it but this blog has actually had more that 100 visitors! When I began it I didn't think it would even reach 30 yet here we are at 105 visitors.

So as for what happened yesterday, to begin with I woke up at about 12:15PM and had a shower and got ready for class. I then headed over to my school to get a form for my Dad to do with finances. Class was in there somewhere too but not interesting enough to actually go into. But anyway after those things, I headed back home to relax as I was getting a bit of a fever and was feeling kind of weak.

Once I got home I just relaxed, watched some CSI and then watched X2: X-Men United. It was good as I hadn't watched the X-Men films for quite a while. After that I headed to King's Players for a while longer and heard that only six people tried out that night for the play, which hopefully means no cuts will need to happen. I then found out from one of the director executives that they were going to decide either to just cast it OR do call backs. I'm kind of hoping for either, because if they do call backs I possibly have a better shot at getting a lead role, but if they do a direct cast list, I at least know I get a role probably. So I'll just have to wait for Sunday or Monday. I also need to keep up my studying as my test is in two weeks.
Well I went to bed about 1AM last night. So I guess I'm going to call the blog for yesterday finished.
Thanks for everyone's continued reading!

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