Monday, February 22, 2010

Empire State of Mind

Hey Everyone!

So I got woken up at about 7AM and my parents and I headed to London since I had school today and we needed to get me to London for it. I went to bed when I got to my friend's place, and then woke up around 12PM.

I worked on my speech for class on Universities and Colleges. I then headed over to Lauren's to walk to class and we chatted on our way just about how our Reading Weeks' went, and then had class.

My speech went fine, it was a dull topic but it still communicated the message.

After speech, Lauren, myself and our friend John headed to Christina's for a late dinner. It was fine and we just chatted about random things like relationships and other topics.

Autism-wise, I think the only thing that got me was I couldn't let go of some topics while talking with Lauren and John, so I did get internally frustrated (by this I mean I was screaming inside 'let me talk' but outside I more just ruffled my hair and sighed). But again it's just a case where I wanted to finish my point but I wasn't able to as they were talking because it would've been rude.

That's all for tonight!

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